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NOTICE: We would like to express thanks for your interest in the project. It's heartening that we've directed more than 5,000 visits to the site in our short-lived period of activity, that culminated in over 9,000 video views and over 600 connections on Twitter and Facebook - all in the name of breaking stigma. As you can see, this website has now fallen to disuse. In part due to a lack of time from the original team that had put this site together, but also to a lack of interest from the organizations we have approached for support. If you're an individual/group passionate about advocating increased STD education in Singapore, and may be interested in picking up from where this initiative has left off, please drop an e-mail to We will consider handing over the entire project - including existing social network accounts, unpublished interview excerpts, existing graphic templates, a contact base of previously interested talent contributors we had not pursued and of course the domain (which has been paid for until mid-2013) - to the right person(s) who might be able to take this further than we have. Interested successors to the project might want to download our project brief to have a more detailed read on the project, before expressing your interest. Until then, we hope you all stay safe!
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a. is a non-profit social media initiative that promotes an open-ended discussion where our audience deduce and decide for themselves the course of action after we impart them with information and references listed on our site. is not responsible for any action that my cause harm to an individual, directly or indirectly by acting on their own accord. Our role is merely to educate and advocate, not dictate courses of action.

b. All submissions by you to our website will be deemed property of We reserve the right to use them and refuse impunitive damage claims based on non-authorised use of your image or an image in your likeness for commercial purposes outside the website.

c. does not claim to be an alternative portal for diagnosis for STDs. We strongly encourage individuals who are in fear to seek a confirmed diagnosis and due treatment from an authorised medical practitioner.

d. Controversial thoughts expressed by our youth talents, personalities and contributors do not explicitly reflect that of our own, but that of the content creator.

*This section is under review and pending edits from legal counsel.